Skills Summary


  • DB2
  • SQL


Programming Languages

  • Pascal
  • C & C++
  • Cobol



  • One Methodology
  • System Life Cycle
  • Lean Manufacturing (Flow Manufacturing)
  • Synchronous Manufacturing
  • Constraint Management
  • Demand Flow Technology (DFT)
  • Quality Control
  • GMP
  • System Life Cycle
  • Supplier Chain Management


Industry Certifications and Professional Associations

  • Certified in Production & Inventory Management (CPIM), The Association for Operations Management (APICS)
  • Certified Enterprise Integrator (CEI), Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
  • Certified Engineering Manager (CEM), Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)


Recognition and Awards

  • Consultant of the Quarter
  • Specialist of the Year
  • Client Manager of the Year